Colloquium -in drawing

15-16 septembre 2022, Centre de design, Montréal
Inaugural lecture and opening, 14 September 5pm

Drawing is an integral part of architectural and design practices. It is a central tool with which designers develop their ideas, translate a design into a built project and communicate with colleagues and clients. Drawn by hand or using computational tools, drawings are first and foremost the representation of an intention, one that projects us towards a future we collaboratively wish to accomplish. But beyond drawings meant for the elaboration, communication, and realisation of a given project, a practice of drawing is a devoted engagement with the act of drawing itself as a mean to reflect upon intentions, visions, desires, and possibilities outside of professional practice. A drawing practice explores, attempts, tests, validates, and provokes ideas. It conjures and reflects on social and material conditions.

This conference seeks to explore critical and reflexive drawing practices in design. We are interested in the ways in which the act of drawing organizes and structures time and space—its own as well as those of its subject—and in the material conditions that drawing makes tangible as in those that make drawing possible. By situating drawing in this way, we intend to frame drawing as a practice which constitutes and evokes curiosity, questioning, inquiry, investigation, and discovery, as well as one that parallels and can stand in for encounter, conversation, dialogue, and exchange. -in drawing will engage drawing aesthetics (spatial, temporal, and material) and drawing ethics (investigating and making sense together) in four dimensions of interest: in time, in inquiry, in dialogue, and in materiality



<p> class="collapseomatic " id="id67a7b78dd570d" tabindex="0" title="<h5>Louise Pelletier</h5><p>" &gt;</p></p>

Louise Pelletier


Louise Pelletier is a graduate from the School of Architecture at Laval University and holds a post-professional master’s degree and a Ph.D. in architecture from McGill University. She has been Professor at the School of Design of the Université du Québec à Montréal since 2006 where she was Director of the Undergraduate Program in Environmental Design from 2008 to 2012 and Director of the School of Design from 2014 to 2017. She is currently Director of the Design Centre at UQAM. She is the author of several books on the history and theory of architecture including Architecture in Words; Theatre, Language and the Sensuous Space of Architecture (Routledge 2006), and co-author of Architectural Representation and the Hinge Perspective (MIT Press, 1997) and Theatrical Space as a Model for Architecture (McGill Libraries, 2003). Her articles have appeared in architecture and design journals in Canada, the United States and Europe. Her most recent book, Downfall: The Architecture of Excess (RightAngle International, 2014), is a novel that reflects on issues of contemporary architectural practice. Her current research focuses on exhibition design.

Perry Kulper

Perry Kulper is an architect and Associate Professor of Architecture at the University of Michigan. In a prior life he was a SCI-Arc faculty member for 17 years and held visiting teaching positions at Penn and ASU during that time. Subsequent to his graduate studies at Columbia University he worked happily in the offices of respected mentors Eisenman/ Robertson, Robert A.M. Stern and Venturi, Rauch and Scott Brown before moving to Los Angeles. His primary interests include: the roles and generative potential of architectural drawing; the outrageously different spatial opportunities offered by using diverse design methods in design practices; and in broadening the conceptual range by which architecture contributes to our cultural imagination. In 2013 he published Pamphlet Architecture 34, Fathoming the Unfathomable: Archival Ghosts and Paradoxical Shadows with friend and collaborator Nat Chard. Recently he has also been snooping around under the hood of digital realms. Fantastic beasts have also been on his mind.

Michael Young

Michael Young is an architect and educator practicing in New York City where he is a founding partner of the architectural design studio Young & Ayata. Young & Ayata have received a Progressive Architecture award, the Design Vanguard Award, the Young Architects Prize, and a first-place prize for the design of the Bauhaus Museum in Dessau, Germany. Michael is currently an Assistant Professor at the Cooper Union. He was previously the Louis I. Kahn Visiting Assistant Professor at Yale University and has taught studios and seminars at Princeton, SCI-Arc, and Columbia. He has published numerous essays, the book titled The Estranged Object (Graham Foundation), and the forthcoming book Reality Modeled After Images (Routledge). Michael was the 2019-20 Rome Prize Fellow at the American Academy in Rome.

Nat Chard

Nat is the Professor of Experimental Architecture at the Bartlett, University College London following professorships at the Royal Danish Academy, Copenhagen, University of Manitoba and the University of Brighton. He taught at the Bartlett throughout the ’90s along with studios at East and North London Universities. His work is widely published – Pamphlet Architecture 34 (with Perry Kulper of U. Michigan) gives an overview of recent work.

<p> class="collapseomatic " id="id67a7b78dd58f1" tabindex="0" title="<h5>Mark Dorrian </h5><p>" &gt;</p></p>

Mark Dorrian


Mark Dorrian holds the Forbes Chair in Architecture at the University of Edinburgh and is Co-Director of the art, architecture and urbanism atelier Metis. His work revolves on subjects linked to architecture, urbanism, history and theory of art, and media studies and has been published in Cabinet, Chora, Cultural Politics, the Journal of Architecture, the Journal of Narrative Theory, Log, PArallax, Radical Philisophy and Word & Image, amongst others. He is the author of several publications such as Seeing from Above: The Aerial View in Visual Culture with Frédéric Poussin (2013) and the collected essays Writing on the Image: Architecture, the City and the Politics of Representation (2014).


Download conference program including abstracts

September 14th (5pm)
Drawing Conversations exhibition opening


Le dessin et sa médiation

Louise Pelletier, École de Design, Université du Québec à Montréal

15 septembre
Colloquium Day 1


Practice(d) Constructions

Perry Kulper, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor

DIALOGUE 1 – 10h00


Anne Romme & Jacob Bang, School of Architecture, Royal Danish Academy

Adjective Constructions

Anca Matyiku & Chad Connery, MOTE design practice

Figural Space

Riet Eeckhout, Faculty of Architecture KU Leuven

NUOVI MONDI. Le pouvoir absolu de l’imagination.

Alfonso Giancotti, Facoltà di Architettura, La Sapienza Roma

TIME 1 – 12h

Slippery Time Opens a Place of Possibility: Conjuring Multiple Temporalities in the Architectural Drawing 

Samantha Lynch, Architecture Department, Brighton University

Time in Color

Jordan Hines, School of Architecture, University of Kentucky

Chronotopes of Movement and Rest

Thomas-Bernard Kenniff, École de Design, Université du Québec à Montréal

Dîner – 13h15


Drawing Imaginaries of a Wasteland-scape

Carole Lévesque, École de Design, Université du Québec à Montréal

Drawing into Place: The Impact of Survey Methodologies on Interpretive Planning

Guillaume Othenin-Girard, Architecture Department, University of Hong Kong

An Argument for Unknowing

Ozayr Saloojee, Architecture Faculty, Carleton University Ottawa


Expanded Drawing

Simon Twose, Victoria University of Wellington / Te Herenga Waka
Jules Moloney, RMIT University
Lawrence Harvey, RMIT University
Anastasia Globa, University of Sydney

La multiplicité du trait

Samuel Bernier-Lavigne, École d’architecture, Université Laval

The Graffiti Architect : Drawing Transgression, Transgressing Drawing

Konstantinos Avramidis, University of Cyprus

The Inventory of Shimmers

Phuong-Trâm Nguyen, Bartlett School of Architecture, University College London


Reality Modeled After Images

Michael Young, Studio Young & Ataya, Cooper Union, New York

Souper collectif – 19h

16 septembre
Colloquium Day 2


Drawing what we cannot say

Nat Chard, Bartlett School of Architecture, University College London


Ambiguity and the Agency of Drawing Tools

Charlotte Erckrath, Bergen School of Architecture

Dancing Geometry

Izabel Amaral, École d’architecture, Université de Montréal

Unchoreographing the drawing

Kirsty Badenoch, Periscope, London & Bartlett School of Architecture, University College London


Architectural Tomography

Tiphaine Abenia, École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne

Le dessin comme outil de médiation interdisciplinaire – l’expérience de la recherche-action menée par le Metrolab.Brussels

Benoit Moritz, Faculté d’architecture, Université Libre de Bruxelles

Multiplicity of Drawing as Reading and Projecting

Yong Huang, Bowling Green State University

Dîner – 12h45

DIALOGUE 2 – 14h

A Cartography of Female Imagination towards the Future City 

Penelope Haralambidou, Bartlett School of Architecture, University College London

Unveiling Chora : Kariye through the looking-glass

Bihter Almaç & Bilge Ar, Architecture Department, Istanbul Technical University

Imaginary Sanctuaries

Mark Baechler, School of Architecture, Laurentian University

TIME 2 – 15h30

Architecture Around Matter: Drawing a Plan As Poetic Performance

Elif Hant, Faculty of Architecture, Mimar Sinan Fine Arts University

Drawing as a Temporal Investigative Practice

Carla Aramouny, Department of Architecture and Design, American University of Beirut

Mournings, rituals and other fantasies about the slow disappearance of built heritage

Joël Nadeau-Gauthier, independent researcher

Sites of Memory

Jerome Tryon, Yale School of Architecture


Talking Drawing

Mark Dorrian, University of Edinburgh